
lundi 4 novembre 2013

Halloween à Lacoste

12 commentaires:

  1. Halloween, une fête artificielle mais vos photographies, sublimes!

  2. Fantômes et sorcières étaient au rendez-vous !!!

    1. C'est en rentrant à Ménerbes que j'ai eu envie de passer à Lacoste , et j'ai eu la surprise de voir ces réalisations pour Halloween ( je pense que ce sont les réalisations des élèves du Savannah college of art and design ( université américaine ) de Lacoste :)
      Dommage il était un peu tard dans la journée et la lumière n'y était pas fameuse .....
      Bises :)
      Bonne soirée Brigitte

  3. Both the decorations and the photos are wonderful creations!

    1. Hi Mihai :)
      Very happy to see you here in my world
      I love Halloween parties, just for decorations and pumpkins :-))
      As I said earlier I think these decorations artfully arranged around the village of Lacoste beings are the creations of students from Savannah College of Art and Design is an American university located in the village
      I hope everything goes well for you, for lack of time I did not pass very often on Google+ ...
      I wish you a great evening and an equally nice week :)
      Regards Sacha

    2. I am following your blog, but there's a small problem: I do not have the option to receive an email notice regarding a new comment or a response to my comments, so tonight I am about to check again all your posts, and check out for new comments! :-) I have notice the lack of your posts on Google Plus. Well, sometimes one may decide to direct all his/her efforts towards a certain direction!

    3. Hmm... It seems that my answer vanished... I am here to check for answers and comments, because I am not receiving email notices about them.
      Your posts are missed on G+, but here I am to see the original art work!
      Sometimes I think that an image deserves another image as a response or comment, not words, because words are not enough when we are talking about l'art photographique!
      Have a nice weekend, Sacha!
      PS Almost Blue (now playing) is one of my favorites!

  4. Je ne sais pas si cela aurait amusé le divin marquis.

    1. Non ! :) tu as raison ; ses jeux à lui étaient plus ludiques :)
      Bonne soirée Alain :)


Tant d'espandimen de naturo pago largamen dou matrassant camin
Ambulo ergo sum
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